U okviru centra Škola za javno zdravlje i zdravstveni menadžment na Master akademskim studijama iz javnog zdravlja, objedinjenog programa Fakulteta organizacionih nauka i Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, Marija Ratković je na poziv profesorke dr Radmile Janičić održala predavanje Biopolitika i javno zdravlje – regulacija svakodnevnih aktivnosti. Predavanje se bavilo aspektima biopolitike u uskoj vezi sa pitanjima javnog zdravlja a to su pitanja imunizacije, asistirane reprodukcije, promene pola, kao i lečenja sistemskih bolesti i raka, zatim pitanjima socijalnog rada i zdravstvenog obrazovanja te društvenim odnosom prema ovim temama.
Biopolitika i javno zdravlje – regulacija svakodnevnih aktivnosti
Posthuman, All Too Human: Towards a New Process Ontology
Rosi Braidotti
The Posthuman
Rosi Braidotti
Becoming woman. Or sexual difference revisited.
Rosi Braidotti
Kaliban i veštica. Žene, telo i prvobitna akumulacija
Silvia Federici
Testo Junkie. Sex, Drugs, and Biopolitics in Pharmacopornographic Era.
Paul Preciado
The Affective Turn. Theorizing the Social
ed. Patricia Clough
The Affect Theory Reader
ed. Melissa Gregg, Gregory J. Seigworth
Affective Labor
Michael Hardt
Defending Intimacy against What? Limits of Antisurrogacy Feminisms
Sophie Lewis
Izazovi savremene porodice
Jelena Opsenica Kostić, Jelisaveta Todorović i Ivana Janković
Dr Radmila Janicic is professor of Marketing and Public Relations at University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Department for Marketing, Public Relations and Multimedia Communications. Professor Radmila Janicic is Visiting Professor at University Mediteran, Montenegro Business School, in Podgorica, Montenegro. The main topics of her lectures are: Marketing, Marketing in Art and Culture, Strategic Marketing, Media Communications and Philosophy of Marketing. She has organized many seminars in the field of Marketing in Art and Culture in Serbia and Montenegro. She was included in European Union projects for improving Marketing approach in Health Care Organizations in Serbia. She is member of the International Management Teachers Academy in Bled Business School, Slovenia. She participated at the project of education in the process of carrier transition, organized by Manchester Business School, England. She has lead the seminar Internet marketing – What world want and the seminar Strategy of Branding – Brand Your Idea, organized by the Board of European Students of Technology, at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences. She has given lectures at the Conference on Arts in Persuasion, at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences. She is a member of the team for building strategies for developing the national brand of Montenegro. Professor Radmila Janicic is a member of the Athens Institute for Education and Research, Atiner, World Association of Academics and Researchers, in Athens, Greece.
Marija Ratković is a publicist, media theorist and columnist, with interdisciplinary education in humanities, sciences and arts. Her MA is in Architecture, while she studied her PhD at the Department for the theories of art and media at the University of Arts in Belgrade. Since 2006 she has been working in the domain of culture and media, mostly as a writer. Her articles in online and offline media tackle complex political issues in popular form. She also writes for television and theatre. Ratković is one of the founders of the Centre for biopolitical education.
April 11, 2019